News / Events / Publications

Banking and Finance

Reserved Own Share: The New Feature as an Incentive

Employee ownership has become a widely embraced notion with recent trends of companies offering stimulus to its employees in the form of ‘reserved own share’. In line with the practices initially adopted by the European Union Member States, the Serbian legislature made significant changes to the Serbian Companies Act in 2019 to modernize the rules […]

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Outlines of Procedure Before the Historical Archive of Belgrade for Archiving of Documents of Company in Liquidation

Outlines of Procedure Before the Historical Archive of Belgrade for Archiving of Documents of Company in Liquidation

Procedure for archiving with the Historical Archives of Belgrade (HAB) is initiated by the minutes on the performed professional supervision of archiving, expert maintenance and selection of archival material, which is required in order to open dossier of the company in the Active Registry held by the HAB. During the supervision, officer of the HAB […]

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Corporate and MA

Amendments to the Serbian Companies Act, Law of Central Register of UBO and Law on the Registration Procedure before the SBRA

In 2019 a set of amendments were passed by the National Assembly of Republic of Serbia relating to changes of corporate law in Serbia, mainly the Companies Act, Law on Central Register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners and Law on the Registration Procedure before the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA). Amendments to the Companies Act The […]

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IVR logo

Law Office Milošević at 9th IVR Colloquium

International Association for the representation of the mutual interests of the inland shipping and the insurance and for keeping the register of inland vessels in Europe (“IVR”) has organized a dedicated Colloquium on 05 September 2019, due to the fact that the 2012 Strasbourg Convention on the Limitation of Liability in Inland Navigation (“CLNI”) entered […]

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Law Office Milošević Contributed to Dual Citizenship Report

Law Office Milošević Contributed to Dual Citizenship Report

Law Office Milošević has been commissioned by Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates, an international immigration law firm headquartered in Malta, to compose a “Dual Citizenship Report” (DCR) regarding the legislation and practices in Serbia pertaining to dual citizenship. In the DCR – European Region, Serbia Chapter, Law Office Milošević firstly enlists the ways of acquiring Serbian citizenship […]

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